Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

[News] Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trailer Streams

Pada Tau Game dari "Square Enix - Final Fantasy" ga? 

Yang tentang petualangan Gitu...
pokoknya seru dehh... haha 

Katanya mau keluar nih Final Fantasy XIII-2 For Playstation 3 And XBox 360.

Click -->  Me <--- untuk melihat Trailer-nya.

I cant wait. 

Translate to English :

The newest trailer for Square Enix's newest game, Final Fantasy XIII-2, is currently being streamed on Game Spot, a video game website. Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the sequel to the 2010 game, Final Fantasy XIII.
The trailer is being being revealed before the E3 Expo videogame conference, which runs June 7 – 9. The game itself will be released for the PlayStation3 and XBox 360 this winter. 


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